Monday, January 21, 2013

Another week of grace

You light a lamp for me.  The Lord my God, lights up my darkness.  Psalm 18:28 NLT

We lost someone very dear and precious to us this past daughter's mother in law.  It is so painful just to think about, but I am slowly processing it all now.  I have officially gotten behind on my gratitude count, because while I was very conscious of being thankful for many things during the past days, I didn't have the opportunity to write them down.  So here is a list of things as I remember them plus a few that come to mind now.  These are not part of the Joy Dare, but it's all about thanking God for His gifts, not completing a checklist.

#46. Faith is safe and at peace now
#47. God totally has been orchestrating our schedule so we would be in town this week instead of in Arizona (plan A) or Minnesota (plan B).
#48. Support systems for Heather and Rob kicking into overdrive.  Reminds me of the one we are so blessed by.
#49. Honoring Faith's birthday by remembering the good times with her.
#50. Time together in a small circle to pray, worship God, remember good times, cry, plan
#51. Support of family in times of need...arrival from points around the country and even world.
#52. An amazing service remembering Faith, grieving, praising God for his faithfulness, laughing...
#53. Two extremely precious grandchildren to brighten the days, bring smiles to our faces, help us remember joy.
#54. Speaking truth.  Truth is sometimes difficult to hear and accept.  But ultimately it is freeing,
#55. God's ability to bring light to very dark places.  "Light" is my word for 2013 and God is reminding me over and over of His power over darkness.
#56. Blessings of friends who supported and prayed for us from afar.
#57. Rest and sleep for the exhausted.
#58. A most amazing daughter and son in law who led with grace and strength in the midst of intense grief.
#59. A most amazing daughter and son in law who traveled sacrificially amongst other sacrifices to support the previously mentioned amazing daughter and son in law.

1 comment:

  1. If there was a like button I'd push it. It's always good to hear about God's grace in hard times ... and good times ... I like your word "light."
