Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Taking the Joy Dare in 2013

I am reading Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts and enjoying it very much.  Ann's blog is A Holy Experience which I love because she shares her gratitude and joy in the midst of all her humanness...something that is good for all of us to do.

We are staying in the frozen North this winter instead of heading south.  Recording what I am grateful for every day will provide the sunshine and warmth that we are not experiencing this year in the physical sense.

Recording these gifts on my blog is a stretch for me because I am essentially a very private person and I have a lovely journal (still mostly blank) given to me by a friend recently.  But this will keep me accountable more, and it will be easier to share with others taking on the challenge of recording our gifts.  So for the two of you who read this blog every now and then, I am sharing my gifts with you.

I am using the prompts provided on Ann's blog to spark a fresh look at my life. I could list a thousand things probably without much thought, but I want to peek into the corners and examine the gifts and blessings that I haven't thought about before.  Here is the list of prompts that I am using.

January 1 -- 3 gifts heard
#1  the voices of my grandchildren -- especially when they say "I love you" (or "lub oo" as it often comes out).
#2  music of Christmas -- nothing fills my heart like the choral music so abundant at Christmas.  The light of Jesus translated into something we can hear.  I listen to The Messiah every year.
#3  the silence of falling snow -- something about that blanket of snow coming down is a very special kind of hush.  If you happen to hear bells ringing (any kind) while it is snowing that is an experience all it's own.

January 2 -- A gift outside, inside, on a plate
#4 since it is winter in the Midwest, the evergreen trees outside our windows are a gift.  They provide color and privacy, and are beautiful when the snow sits on the branches.
#5  our fireplace (that can be seen reflected as I took the picture of the trees--no, the tree is not on fire).
#6  baking Christmas cookies with my daughter.  That was fun.

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