Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday's (and Friday's) Gifts

Gratitude prompts for Friday:  A gift old, new, blue

#10  Old friends.  We are so blessed with friends of many years...I could go on and on here, but won't for now.  It is enough to say I can't wait to see some of those "old" friends next week!

#11 New home.  We love our new home...with its many wonderful features and close proximity to our grandson.  We just don't let ourselves think about the things we miss from the old house.

#12  Blue anything.  I am so glad God made the color blue because it's my favorite (as my grandson is very fond of saying right now).  But blue really is my favorite!  Blue makes me feel good, and is just beautiful to look at.

And prompts for today, Saturday:  Something you're reading, making, seeing

#13  What's on my nightstand right now?  The Hobbit and Fellowship of the Ring...I am rereading The Hobbit because of the movie, but I have loved reading the Lord of the Rings books multiple times.  Don't consider myself a lover of fantasy books, but I do love Tolkien, for all sorts of reasons which I won't go into now.  Thankful for these books, and the encouragement they offer to never ever give up on fighting for goodness, truth and light.

#14  Incredibly thankful for scrapbooking and something I am making right now.  A very fun page talking about my "girly girl" granddaughter.

#15  Something I am seeing right now...our fireplace.  I love it and especially that it can be turned on with the flick of a switch.  Now that's luxury (especially after having wood stoves for many years).

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