Friday, January 11, 2013

Catching up the week

Gifts recorded on January 8
Dusky light, surprising reflection, lovely shadow

#22 I love the dusky part of day...lights begin to twinkle on, time to come close to hearth and home.  The driveway lights in our condo association come on automatically every day and I like to see that happen...the shining beacons all up and down the street, lighting the way.

#23 We live in a culture of fear and crisis constantly fed by TV news and the internet.  It's ok if I don't listen to those voices, but instead listen to the voice of God who says, "Even if the mountains fall down into the sea, don't be afraid."  Rough paraphrase of Psalm 46.

#24  My aunt is in the final stage of her life, the timing known only to God, but she could be said to be a shadow of her former self...but still so beautiful, so lovely because Jesus is shining through her.  Refined gold.  I pray that when there is nothing left of me but the essence, it may be as lovely as hers.

January 9
A gift held, passed by, sat with

#25  On a cold winter day there is nothing like holding a mug of hot tea.  Warms the hands and heart.

#26  How many gifts have I passed by unintentionally because they are disguised?  Thankful for eyes to see all God's prayer is that they be wide open!

#27  Had a few hours this week to sit with a few of my absolute dearest of friends...a HUGE gift.

January 10
A gift sour, sweet, just right

#28  Small wake-up calls that catch us up short...a voice in the heart or ear saying, "pay attention to this while you can change direction easily."

#29  A gift of apple strudel...a favorite!

#30  God's constant assurances of love and care

January 11
Three yellow gifts of fresh mercy

#31  My word for 2013 has declared itself to be "light."  In winter there are few yellow things to be seen, but when the sun shines...what a mercy.  We are not abandoned to gray clouds...the sun is there even if we cannot see it every day.

#32  And when the sun is not visible we have...firelight!  There is nothing like firelight to induce thoughtful moments...a great winter activity.

#33  Morning...not always yellow, but sometimes, and they always contain fresh mercy every. single. day.  I know because God told me so.  (Lamentations 3:22-23)

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