Monday, January 14, 2013

It's all about grace...

I don't seem to be able to record my gifts one day at a time, they simmer in the back of my mind, then I write them every two or three days.  This weekend we were busy helping our daughter behind the scenes with the celebration of her husband's 30th birthday--it was big and it was fun!

Gratitude prompts for January 12
Something above, below, beside

#34  Skylights...our home lets in a lot of light and we are grateful for it.  We have south and east facing windows and 2 skylights in the kitchen.  Even on very cloudy days, it's pretty good.  

#35  We love our sun room, and are grateful it's a year-round room.  That's partly because there is another room under it, rather than just open air like some of our neighbors'. 

#36  Isaiah 30:21...technically it says "behind" but that's close enough to "beside" for me.

January 13
3 things about yourself you are grateful for.  Ok this is a tough one.

#37  I love music.  My life would have been so flat without it (no pun intended...truly).

#38  Creativity.  Discovering this part of me has been literally a life saver.

#39  Ability to laugh at myself.  At least I think I can.  An endless source of amusement (according to the card my cousin sent me).

January 14
3 startling graces of God

Three of the many can be summed up in Luke 11:10
#40 For everyone who asks receives, 
#41 and the one who seeks finds, 
#42 and to the one who knocks it will be opened.

Today I was thinking about how recording three gifts every day might become difficult to keep up with.  Then I read Ann Voskamp's thoughts for this day on her blog A Holy Experience.  How to Keep in Time with God.  God's graces to me are the only thing that keep me going.  The least I can do is write them down.

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