Thursday, July 26, 2012

Things I love...and don't love

I love being able to see our grandson (and our granddaughter when we go to MN) on a frequent and regular basis and be a part of their lives.
I love being a regular part of our daughters' and their families' lives.
I love that we are closer to some of my extended family.
I love that my favorite stores are just 5 miles away, or less...also a MALL!!!  Although I haven't been there yet.
I love that there are scrapbook stores.
I love that my favorite place to get a caramel latte is only 3 miles away -- two fewer miles than in Upland.
I love the selection at the grocery stores.
I love being retired.
I am thankful for all the ways we can keep in touch with those we love who are not close by.
I am so grateful!

I don't love being away from friends who are our family
I don't love not being a part of our church any more.
But how wonderful, that what I miss, I will get to spend eternity with.  God is good!


  1. Love your list and can see the joy you are finding in this new chapter of your lives...we will miss you but envy your retirement as we gear up for fall semester!! Glad to hear you are settling in and having just returned from San Diego feel the sadness of distance from our kids...

    There is almost always an empty bed at our house and we would love to have you visit!

    blessings, pam and al

  2. Glad that the Love list is longer than the Don't love.
