Thursday, July 5, 2012

Girl Time

I feel slightly guilty because I am relaxing right now in MN and enjoying time with our daughters and granddaughter, while the Husband is working hard to sort out tools and materials in his workshop area--and in all this heat, too.  However, I am forcing myself to have fun.  Granddaughter is mastering the rules of "girl time" as I realized last night when she wanted Auntie "Hedur," her mommy and me all in the bathroom with her while she sat on her potty chair...and it's a small bathroom.  The night before she had performed the amazing feat of actually going "number two" in the potty for the first time, although she kept wanting to put her hands in the receptacle part just to see what was actually going on.  We were all properly admiring of her accomplishments, and I thought...for this I retired.

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