Thursday, July 26, 2012

Things I love...and don't love

I love being able to see our grandson (and our granddaughter when we go to MN) on a frequent and regular basis and be a part of their lives.
I love being a regular part of our daughters' and their families' lives.
I love that we are closer to some of my extended family.
I love that my favorite stores are just 5 miles away, or less...also a MALL!!!  Although I haven't been there yet.
I love that there are scrapbook stores.
I love that my favorite place to get a caramel latte is only 3 miles away -- two fewer miles than in Upland.
I love the selection at the grocery stores.
I love being retired.
I am thankful for all the ways we can keep in touch with those we love who are not close by.
I am so grateful!

I don't love being away from friends who are our family
I don't love not being a part of our church any more.
But how wonderful, that what I miss, I will get to spend eternity with.  God is good!

Quick Update

We have been in our new home a little over two weeks.  Many boxes are unpacked and many more to go.  I am gradually finding homes for our things and my box of "things to get rid of" is getting fuller.  In fact I started with a small box and now have 2 large ones full.  Hope to get rid of more yet.  I keep asking myself, when was the last time I used this?  A little more emotionally challenging is getting rid of things that belonged to my mother that I no longer use, nor do other family members want them.  Our motto has become "It has served its purpose."
One trip back to Upland for both of us and now Chuck is on a quick trip to Minnesota taking a trailer full of things for our MN family.  He is completing the sorting task in his shop and storage sheds and has been working steadily here through his To Do list.  I keep thinking of things for him to do, so he hasn't been able to unpack much.
It has been incredibly wonderful for us to have friends from Upland stop by and be able to see our home.  It puts things in context for them and as one friend said, "It helps me picture you when I pray for you."  Thanks, Coyote!  Others spent the day with us, helping set things up here, as well.  We are SO grateful for this forging of new links with long-time friends (notice I didn't say "old" friends).
Next up is a visit to MN, where I am sincerely hoping it will start to cool off.  This will be our first voyage with the 5th wheel, and we will be using the time there to get ready for the big winter excursion to Arizona!  Right now we plan to take the RV south at the end of October and be in AZ from January through late March.  We will be in Upland again to pick up the 5th wheel, so I will send emails about the date.
I know this was long, but wanted to give an overview update.  Will try to post more often, so I can post smaller stories!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Girl Time

I feel slightly guilty because I am relaxing right now in MN and enjoying time with our daughters and granddaughter, while the Husband is working hard to sort out tools and materials in his workshop area--and in all this heat, too.  However, I am forcing myself to have fun.  Granddaughter is mastering the rules of "girl time" as I realized last night when she wanted Auntie "Hedur," her mommy and me all in the bathroom with her while she sat on her potty chair...and it's a small bathroom.  The night before she had performed the amazing feat of actually going "number two" in the potty for the first time, although she kept wanting to put her hands in the receptacle part just to see what was actually going on.  We were all properly admiring of her accomplishments, and I thought...for this I retired.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Saying goodbye is hard to do...

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.  These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.  Isaiah 42:16

This was a perfect morning for our last time to worship as part of the UCC body--one service, baptisms, communion.  We were blessed!  Followed by a great dinner together and time to say goodbye to friends.  We are taking 40 years of history with us and I know it will sustain us in the future.  Also, it is so comforting to know that while we may no longer be a part of the local UCC body, we are always and forever part of Christ's body together.  Now that's cool!