Sunday, August 19, 2012

The great RV adventure begins...

Another milestone has been passed.  We successfully got the 5th wheel from Indiana to Minnesota.  Or rather, Chuck did.  I drove the car, so Chuck drove the truck and RV by himself.  The scooter that was fastened to the back of the RV jiggled around a lot, so Chuck had to stop several times to tighten it.  I had visions of it falling off and me running over it.  Not something I cared to have happen, but it didn’t.  We are now parked in the Minnesota Daughter’s yard, at least for now.  Starting to get moved in, unpacking items that I packed back in June.  It’s like Christmas because I have forgotten what I packed.  Speaking of unpacking, I feel like I have been unpacking for a VERY long time.  We are enjoying the company of our Minnesota family, especially our almost-two-year-old granddaughter.  Being with her is what this move has been all about, and it is worth every moment of exhaustion, uncertainty, confusion, and expense.    We just trust God that we will make a positive contribution in the lives of those we love.

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